ArcGIS Pro

Starter Kit

Solution benefits

As Esri's premier desktop application, ArcGIS Pro lets users create, manage, and analyze geographic content and share it with their entire organization. ArcGIS Pro is connected to Web GIS and leverages web services to keep the entire organization up-to-date.

ArcGIS Pro solutions include analytical models, add-ins, and solution configurations. For specialized workflows and solutions, developers can customize the user interface (UI) and user experience of ArcGIS Pro through ArcGIS Pro SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework.

Capabilities utilized

2D/3D maps
Location-based apps
Data hosting
Spatial analysis

Use cases


Conceptual architecture

Description of components

  • ArcGIS Pro: A premier desktop application
  • ArcGIS Enterprise: A complete GIS that runs behind your firewall in your enterprise or on cloud infrastructure like AWS or Azure

Description of components

  • ArcGIS Pro: A premier desktop application
  • ArcGIS Online: A complete cloud-based mapping and analysis platform

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