Web Applications

Starter Kit

Solution benefits

Web application solutions provide specialized 2D and 3D mapping and spatial capabilities that are accessible globally through the Internet. By leveraging the latest capabilities of modern browsers, web applications can create sophisticated visualizations that help users understand complex data and spatial relationships. They can also improve and streamline workflows and support more informed decisions.

Web application solutions have changed the way geographic content and spatial analytical capabilities are delivered. These solutions are easy to deploy, maintain, update, and use. They are perfect for users and markets that don’t need detailed technical knowledge or training.

Capabilities utilized

2D/3D maps
Search and geocoding
Location-based apps
Data hosting
Identity-based permissions
Spatial analysis

Use cases


Conceptual architecture

Description of components

  • ArcGIS Enterprise: A complete GIS that runs behind your firewall in your enterprise or on cloud infrastructure like Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Azure
  • Partner Solutions: Custom web, mobile, and desktop apps that enable advanced data visualizations, built using ArcGIS development APIs and SDKs

Description of components

  • ArcGIS Enterprise: A complete GIS that runs behind your firewall in your enterprise or on cloud infrastructure like AWS or Azure
  • ArcGIS Online: A complete cloud-based mapping and analysis solution
  • Partner Solutions: Custom web, mobile, and desktop apps that enable advanced data visualizations, built using ArcGIS development APIs and SDKs

Description of components

  • ArcGIS Enterprise: A complete GIS that runs behind your firewall in your enterprise or on cloud infrastructure like AWS or Azure
  • ArcGIS Online: A complete cloud-based mapping and analysis solution
  • Partner Solutions: Custom web, mobile, and desktop apps that enable advanced data visualizations, built using ArcGIS development APIs and SDKs

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