Regulamentul European privind Protecția Datelor cu Caracter Personal
Începând cu data de 25 Mai 2018, GDPR reprezintă o schimbare mare la nivelul legilor de privacy de la nivelul UE. Regulamentul prioritizează drepturile individului de a controla modul în care sunt utilizate datele personale. Impune reguli noi companiilor, agențiilor guvernamentale, ONG-urilor și altor organizații din afara UE care procesează date cu caracter personal în relație cu ofertele de bunuri și servicii pentru persoanele aflat pe teritoriul UE, sau care monitorizează comportamentul cetățenilor din UE.
Esri este conforma GDPR prin furnizarea protecției datelor care aparțin utilizatorilor.
Cum se aplică GDPR în Esri
Esri is both a controller and processor of personal information, and that information is stored in the United States. We control the personal information of those with whom we directly interact. Examples of this are users who create Esri Accounts or fill out a form on our website. We are a processor of personal information for other controller organizations (i.e., our customers) who have entrusted us with processing personal information that they control. Examples of this are ArcGIS Online, data that is uploaded as part of a technical support case, and contact information provided to us for a customer organization.
The GDPR details six legal bases that allow controllers (like Esri) to process personal information. They are: contractual necessity, legal obligation, vital interests, public interest, legitimate interest, and consent. Most of the work we do with customers is classified as contractual necessity or legitimate interest. In other cases (e.g., web browsing tracking, marketing), we obtain direct consent before collecting any personal information.
How Esri is taking action
Esri is committed to protecting your personal information from any attacks or data breaches. We have implemented appropriate security controls throughout our business systems. In the unlikely event of data breach, we will honor the GDPR requirements for notification.
Esri has created a Data Processing Addendum that sets the conditions related to privacy, confidentiality, and security of EU personal data associated with online services and maintenance we provide to customers under a master agreement, customer's current license agreement with Esri, or the then current click through agreement. You may download, countersign and retain a copy of the Data Processing Addendum [PDF] for your records; you do not need to return a copy to Esri.
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